« Oberkorn, it’s a small town » series* – Intermittence du spectacle & artiste professionnel indépendant

Saturday, Nov 14, 2015

In collaboration with Ministry of Culture Luxembourg

This workshop aims to familiarise participating musicians & artists with the two legal regimens that currently exist in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg enabling artists to benefit from financial aid of a social nature in case of insufficient financial income or in times of involuntary inactivity, namely that of the independent professional artists and that of the intermittent entertainment workers. During the presentation representatives from the Ministry of Culture will describe and present the details of these two regimens as implemented by the modified law of 19th Dezember 2014  and the conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to qualify. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session to help each musician in his/her orientation towards one of the two regimens.

With Catherine Decker (Conseiller de direction – Ministry of Culture) and Andy Peters (Employé – Ministry of Culture)